Sunday 22 April 2012

Catch up...

After a flurry of internet activity (new blog, research blog, online portfolio, Twitter account AND Facebook Illustration page) I think the shock may well have got to me... I did assume the posting would be free flowing and daily but I'm realising now it takes a little bit of routine and dedication!

A new term has started - the last term in my second year - and as usual it's sent me into a bit of a spin.  It's amazing how much 3 weeks off can throw me out of synch, it really does go to show how important structure is for a healthy work routine.  So this week is going to all be about trying to get into some sort of work pattern that means I get to do ALL the projects that I'm dying to do, as well as the projects I'm given at college, not to mention reading all the books that are piling up...

I've been working on a private commission today - drawing a mother and child.  They're both a beeeeeautiful subject matter but I don't think I'd realised how challenging it can be getting a baby's likeness.  I'm really enjoying the challenge - it's going pretty well so far but I still have a bit of a way to go...  I'll see if my client minds me posting my drawing so far...

In the meantime, as I still don't have any new images to show you, here are some of my favourite illustrations from Pinterest this week:

Akumu Kurai

Pamela Tait

Conrad Roset

Gawd... aren't they just beautiful.  Back soon... J

Sunday 15 April 2012

Easter eggs...

Have had a blissful 3 weeks Easter break galavanting around, which has meant no new work to post - perhaps bad timing immediately after launching my professional online presence... However, there are lots of ideas and ambitious projects in the pipeline so watch this space... 

In the meantime, here's how an illustrator utilises her very best in procrastination time - just to tide you over... J.

An Illustrator's Egg Bowl