Wednesday 14 March 2012

Birth of a Blog...

One of mine from September 2011, it's a theme I think I'm going to carry on with, 
so there'll be more a'comin...

Welcome to my long-promised Blog...

...I had intended to start doing this when I first came away to University but I reckon my head was just far too full trying to deal with settling into a new place far, far away from family and friends - not to mention the weird shift of pace... and it was very, very weird.

I'm coming up to what feels like the peak of my 2nd Year at the University of Gloucestershire and I feel like I've done all my learning in the last 6 months.  It's been amazing so far - amazing, terrifying, hard work, stressful, joyous and puzzling, but I have, above all else, loved the ride.  We're required to start up a blog for a research project (see the tabs above) which will run throughout the 3rd year - once I got it set up, I realised how easy it was to get a blog going, so I decided to finally join the blogasphere (is that the correct terminology?) as I always said I would.

I'm not completely sure what I'll use these pages for, I'm guessing that it will literally be somewhere to post cool stuff I find or am sent, my own work as it progresses and general musings on life - no doubt it will gain momentum as I get more used to the whole thing.  I think I'm going to like it here...

...till the next post, J.

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