Friday 16 March 2012

Back to the 1st Year... I had meant to start a blog when I first got to University (but never did), I thought I'd post some work from way back then - a lot of the work from last year is really only fit to stay in the sketchbooks of course - very useful work so that I could learn all I needed to learn, but not fit for Blog eyes.  So here is a small selection of my favourite images from last year:

These ones were an experimentation with fashion illustration (without it being about the fashion) and I was also looking a lot at the work of the exceptional Tina Berning, who I'm an enormous fan of ( - I loved experimenting with the inks and want to have another go at it - these images are a little bit generic  but not bad for a first attempt, I particularly like the drip effect - it would be great to get a bit looser and put some of my own character into the work - so, I'll have to get my inks out again soon.

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